Release Notes

April 11, 2022

iOS Version 1.3.36 / Android Version 1.3.42

  • Sub-Categories now defaults to a collapsed view to help users understand the array of programs available.

August 9, 2021


  • Resolved an issue where warning text was not displayed when an incomplete Request Program Edit form was submitted.

July 26, 2021

iOS Version 1.3.33 / Android Version 1.3.37

  • When requesting an addition or update to a program, users can now submit a web form instead of sending an email.
  • Resolved an issue where the map was showing some programs with the wrong pin color.
  • Resolved an issue where maps loaded inconsistently or did not show an exact location when opening a program.



  • Resolved an issue that was showing the incorrect icon for some Health programs.

June 22, 2021


  • When requesting an addition or update to a program, users can now submit information using a web form instead of sending an email.
  • Language is set to English by default in order to support direct links to programs.
  • Added a view to highlight newly updated or added programs.
  • Resolved a bug that was causing the Food and Health pins to load very slowly on the map.